Family Dentistry

Dental Care for the Entire Family

Actual Patients

Cleaning and Exams for Patients of All Ages

Your New Patient Experience includes:

  • Advanced digital X-rays and photographs
  • A professional oral health assessment, oral cancer screening and tooth by tooth exam with our dentist- a diagnosis of cavities, cracks and other potential tooth issues.
  • A thorough cleaning and gum disease screening by one of our skilled and friendly dental hygienists-assessing the health of your gums
  • A complimentary cosmetic consultation and smile analysis, if desired.
  • A personal, customized treatment plan with short and long-term options for all of your dental needs

Join us for a dental visit like you have never experienced before. Upon arrival, enjoy a coffee or tea from our beverage bar  (paused due to Covid) and relax in one of our comfortable dental chairs. Our hygienist will review your dental history with you and any concerns or goals you have for your teeth and smile. We use only state of the art equipment including intraoral cameras which take images that magnify your teeth so you see them up close the way we do. Together we will look at the pictures and discuss dental treatment options customized for your specific needs.

“I have never had such a thorough dental visit. Jennifer and Dr. Etemadi explained everything so well. I learned a lot about my teeth.”- R.D.

Your Child’s Checkup and Cleaning

We Love Kids! We have many children in our practice and our Cherry Valley Dental Kid’s Club. We see kids starting

as young as 6 months old, no pediatric specialist needed. It’s never too early to bring your infant or toddler in for their first dental wellness checkup. They may not have very many teeth yet but it is an important first step in learning how to care for them once they do come in. We have lots of great tips and advice to help you care for your child’s teeth.

As your child grows, so does their dental experience. We will clean their teeth, take digital x-rays to monitor their growth and development, provide guidance with brushing and flossing and protect their teeth with a fluoride treatment.

It is our goal to give your child positive dental experiences from an early age. Our dental assistants keep visits easy and fun. Kids look forward to coming back for their next checkup.

“My kids love going to the dentist. They can’t wait to go back!”- S.D.


Dental Sealants

The biting surface of permanent back teeth, and some baby teeth, often has deep, narrow grooves that are inaccessible to thick toothbrush bristles. Individuals with the best oral hygiene habits can’t always adequately clean out the plaque and bacteria from these naturally deep grooves and fissures. When plaque and bacteria are left behind, the risk for a cavity significantly increases. Applying a protective dental sealant to the biting surface of susceptible molars can reduce the chance of tooth decay by up to 80%. The liquid resin sealant serves as a barrier to the food particles and bacteria preventing them from adhering to the tooth surface. Sealants are a conservative, preventive treatment for those patients most at risk for tooth decay and cavities. Teens and younger children benefit most from this procedure. The new molars that erupt around age 6 and at age 12 are the teeth most frequently sealed. Some adults can also protect their molars with the simple application of sealants. The procedure is quick, easy, and painless. Ask us if you or your child can benefit from dental sealants. Cherry Valley Dental is your Duvall neighborhood kid’s dentist for preventive dental care.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Tooth colored fillings

Tooth decay (cavities) is caused by acids produced by the bacteria in dental plaque. Sticky plaque forms on the teeth daily and can lead to the breakdown of the hard outer layer of the tooth called the enamel. Once the enamel breaks down beyond a certain extent, it can’t regenerate on it’s own. The softened diseased enamel needs to be removed and replaced with filling material. You may experience sensitivity to cold liquids and foods or to sweets when you have a cavity. The majority of the time you will not experience any symptoms at all. Left untreated, cavities can progress and lead to a toothache. At Cherry Valley Dental, we will perform a tooth by tooth examination together with x-rays to detect tooth decay. Your dentist will restore your teeth back to health with tooth colored composite fillings. Cavities are best detected early while they are small so they can be treated conservatively with minimally invasive, fillings.

Filling Replacement

Unfortunately, no filling lasts forever. You may have old, silver fillings that were placed in your childhood or as a young adult. Eventually the junction between the filling and the tooth begins to break down, usually after many years. Sometimes cracks form adjacent to the fillings. Your dentist will examine the integrity of existing fillings at your initial new patient visit and at each routine check-up and recommend replacement of any fillings as needed. You can have them replaced with tooth colored composite filling material which not only is more esthetically pleasing but is bonded to your tooth resulting in less tooth sensitivity. Your comfort is our priority. Enjoy music of your choice or the use of a personal entertainment system while you have your treatment done. Your Cherry Valley Dental team are here to ensure your dental experience exceeds your expectations.


What is a Crown?

You may have large, older fillings that are beginning to break down or cracks in the enamel that cause you pain when you chew. Perhaps you have broken off a cusp or corner of your tooth while eating or during a sports activity. If you have lost 50% or more of your tooth, a crown is the best option for restoring it’s health and function. A crown acts like a protective helmet for your tooth preventing it from flexing apart and weakening further. Your tooth is prepared for a crown first by removing the existing filling material and/or tooth decay. Enough space is left on the top and sides of the tooth for a ceramic tooth colored cover to fit over it down to the gumline. Crowns can be made for front or back teeth and the color of the crown is chosen to blend in with the color of your adjacent teeth. Crowns are strong and durable and you will be able to return to normal chewing function in a short period of time.

Your comfort is our priority. Enjoy music of your choice or the use of a personal entertainment system while you have your treatment completed.

Cherry Valley Dental is your Duvall and Snoqualmie Valley dental office experienced with the service of providing beautiful, long-lasting crowns

Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the number one solution for replacing missing teeth and for good reason. We can replace an individual tooth without anchoring to or involving adjacent teeth. This makes the replacement tooth easier to maintain and less of a risk to the health of the neighboring teeth The treatment is very successful and very predictable, if you are a good candidate for it..
What is it? A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made out of bicompatible titanium. It is placed in the jawbone by a qualified dental specialist such as a Periodontist or an Oral Surgeon with local anesthetic and sometimes a mild sedative. Once placed, the implant takes about 4-6 months to fully integrate or “become one” with the upper jawbone and approximately 3 months to integrate with the lower jaw. Once integrated, an implant dentist, experienced in the restoration of dental implants, fabricates a custom fit crown to attach to it. The final crown is very strong and will look and function like a natural tooth. We are experienced implant dentists and will help coordinate a plan to replace your missing tooth or teeth.

If you are missing a front tooth we can arrange for a temporary tooth to be made until it is time to restore your implant. You do not have to go without teeth in your smile.

Sedation Dentistry

Does the idea of dentistry cause you to feel anxious and afraid? You are not alone. Dental fear is a very common phobia. Many people have had dental experiences in their childhood that have left emotional scars that are difficult to overcome. Sedation dentistry is a wonderful option to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile again.

At Cherry Valley Dental, we offer many options to help you overcome your fear of dentistry. Our compassionate, gentle team is here to help you feel comfortable from the very first visit. Join us for an easy new patient experience where we will take it slow and explain every step of the process. We will start by taking some photographs and digital x-rays of your teeth. Next, we will take a look at your teeth together and talk with you about your goals for your oral health. Our dentists will create a customized treatment plan for you.

Many patients do very well with digital entertainment or music during treatment to distract them from the sounds of dentistry. Others benefit from the relaxing effect of breathing Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) to take the edge off of their apprehension.

For a deeper state of relaxation, we offer an oral medication to calm the nerves. This is a great option for patients who would like to have multiple procedures completed simultaneously. Most people sleep through the procedure and have very little memory of the experience. The medication is extremely safe and easy to take.

We are experienced in Sedation Dentistry. We understand how you feel. We can help you through it.

“The best dentist I've been to. As a nervous client they helped put my mind at ease and have worked out a plan to get me through the treatment I need.” - K.P.

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